Sunday, September 19, 2010


This link Explains this basics of Flowgraph nodes, what they do,
the different nodes available and how they interact
with each other.

This tut shows how to access all the nodes.

Cool Use of Flowgraphs: Agilty flowgraph

Agility Flow graph:
Simple Inventory

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Crysis Level download/ Sketchup download


This is a simple ramp i designed and placed in my scenes.
i used it for some filming as-well as the platforms gave
me some good angles on the explosions in the village.

Viewing the village from the top platform.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Level Creation

This is a level created depicting a village at night.

The Level i used for some of my scenes in the video

Train station and Ramp

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Final Video, Custom Machinima

I have chosen an “Observational” style production. as My video Includes
long scenes where different explosions happen due to past effects. My video
also has shorter scenes to add some balance.

Crysis Experiments

Messing around with a wall of explosive barrels.
Computer crashed attempting to explode them.

testing out the Mini nuke

Testing explosive barrels